Lesson 1: Words
1. Vocabulary
- To identify clothes items vocabulary (Nhận dạng từ vựng về đồ đạc quần áo)
- Perform actions and mime during song (Nhận dạng hành động và bắt chước thông qua bài hát)
3. Sing a Song: Socks and shoes!
Go through the song and demonstrate the following actions:
Good morning, Billy, (pretend to wake up, stretch, and open eyes)
Put your socks on! (pretend to put your socks on)
Put your socks on, put your socks on!
Good morning, Billy,
Put your socks on!
Put your socks on!
And then put on your shoes! (pretend to put your shoes on)
Good morning, Molly, (pretend to wake up, stretch, and open eyes)
Put your socks on! (pretend to put your socks on)
Put your socks on, put your socks on!
Good morning, Molly,
Put your socks on!
Put your socks on!
And then put on your shoes! (pretend to put your shoes on)