Lesson 3: Story
1. Objectives
- Familiarise the children with the English class routine (Cho học sinh làm quen với các thói quen lớp học)
- Develop gross motor skills through miming actions in the songs and story (Phát triển kỹ năng tâm vận động thông qua bài hát và câu chuyện)
3. Story: Fly Away !
Story Card 1
Bobby Bird: Pack your suitcase, Molly! (point to the suitcase, and then to Molly)
Pack your suitcase, Billy! (point to the suitcase, and then to Billy)
It’s sunny summertime! (point to the sun)
Storyteller: … says Bobby Bird. (point to Bobby)
Point to Molly and say as you mime packing clothes Pack your suitcase, Molly! Encourage the children to repeat the words. Point to Bobby and repeat
Story Card 2:
Bobby: Don’t forget your new pants, Billy! (point to the pants, and then to Billy)
Storyteller: … says Bobby. (point to Bobby)
Billy: Oh yes! My new pants! (point to the pants)
Storyteller: … says Billy. (point to Billy)
He puts his new blue pants in the suitcase. (point to the pants and the suitcase, and then mime putting the pants in the suitcase) Point to Bobby and ask What is Bobby holding? Encourage the children to say pants. Use your finger and motion putting them in the suitcase. Say Put your pants in the suitcase, Billy! Encourage the children to repeat after you repeat
Story Card 3:
Bobby: Don’t forget your new dress, Molly! (point to the dress, and then to Molly)
Storyteller: … says Bobby. (point to Bobby)
Molly: Oh yes! My new dress! (point to the dress)
Storyteller: … says Molly. (point to Molly)